Upcoming Events
Weekly 2 Meter Net
Every Monday night at 8PM on the W2SO Lancaster VHF Repeater.
Tune in at 147.255Mhz +, PL 107.2, via Echolink ( connect to W2SO Repeater – R , Lancaster , NY or AllStar Node 459200 ) , or listen online at Radio reference. Hosted by Sal W2SAL 8 PM all members are welcome
Club Monthly Meetings Map
Every 1st Tuesday of the month meetings are held at the Lancaster Emergency Management office, 525 Pavement Rd , Lancaster. 7 PM – Across from the Club House. No meetings are held in July and August.
Meeting’s that fall on holidays are held on the 2nd Tuesday
* 2 Meters – 147.255 PL 107.2
* 220 – 224.640 PL 107.2
* 440 – 443.850 PL 107.2
* 6 Meters – 52.170 PL 107.2
* Batavia – 147.285+ PL 141.3 and 444.275+ PL 141.3
* Echolink Wires-X
* Winlink Gateway – KC2LAS-10 145.010
* PACKET Station W2SO 145.010
* FLDigi MT63 2000L Station W2SO 144.960