Club Activities

As a member of the Lancaster Amateur Radio Club, you get to be a part of one of the most active Amateur Radio organizations in Western New York. We not only come together to take part in a hobby, most of us are also friends (and even family!) outside of the club.

The W2SO Clubhouse is open for current and prospective members on Thursdays starting at 6PM for our weekly open house. Our clubhouse has 3 HF operator stations where you can operate or just learn how to operate. We strive to have a warm and welcoming atmosphere for all amateurs. More information on our club and clubhouse can be found here.

The first Tuesday of the month, except in June and July, we hold a general membership meeting at the Lancaster Office of Emergency Management adjacent to the clubhouse where we have a program. While programs are often focused on Amateur Radio, the club has hosted programs on Search and Rescue, Scouting, Camping and Survival, and NOAA Skywarn. While membership meetings are open for all to attend, with membership comes the privilege to vote and have your voice heard on what programs we present.

In addition to our weekly & monthly meetings, The Lancaster Amateur Radio Club hosts the following activities, just to name a few:

  • Winter Field DayWinter Field Day is an annual amateur radio event where operators worldwide test their skills in emergency communications. Participants set up temporary stations in various locations, often outdoors in challenging conditions. They use radio equipment to contact other stations and exchange information, simulating a real-world emergency scenario. This event helps operators practice their skills and demonstrate the capabilities of amateur radio in disaster response. This is a major event for the Lancaster Amateur Radio Club, for more information on Winter Field Day, click here.

  • Field Day – An annual national event run by the ARRL, during the fourth weekend in June. Amateurs all across the nation set up outside in tents and parks and make contacts with as many other amateurs as possible worldwide. This drill represents the largest test of our emergency preparedness, as well as an event to show friends, family, and members of the public what Amateur Radio is about. Operating from portable equipment, or on emergency power, amateurs take to the airwaves in droves to earn points and spend a weekend with each other in person, or over the radio. This is a big event for the Lancaster Amateur Radio Club. The club participates by up camp for the entire weekend. Food, of course, is a major part of any field day, and ours is no different. If you plan on coming out, don’t eat beforehand! For more information on Field Day, click

  • Dunkirk Lighthouse ILLW Station  – Every August, The Lancaster Amateur Radio Club goes to Dunkirk, NY to take part in International Lighthouse and Lightship (ILLW) Weekend. We start the weekend early, setting up tents and radios right next to the functioning historic Dunkirk Lighthouse. It’s a great time, with fun stories to be had, and, of course, with even better food. It’s a beautiful setting as we are feet from the lake, and get to play radio. It’s one of the premier events for the Lancaster Amateur Radio Club, so don’t miss out. More info can be found here.

  • Hamfests – The Lancaster Amateur Radio Club hosts 2 annual hamfests, one in Alexander, NY, at the Alexander Fire Hall and another in Lockport, NY, at the Transit Drive-In. Both hamfests have plenty of room for vendors and a wide selection of gear for buyers and great deals to be found. More info can be found here.
  • Awards Banquet – Every December, often on the first or second Tuesday of the month depending on availability, the Lancaster Amateur Radio Club hosts an annual awards banquet and holiday party. Club members and their families come together for the holiday season to wish each other well and enjoy a delicious dinner. The Christmas Party also serves as our awards banquet, wherein we recognize the accomplishments of our club members, and thank them for what they do to make LARC as great as it is today. Our newly elected officials will be sworn in, ushering in the new year for all.
    • And much more…. The Lancaster Amateur Radio Club hosts various other events throughout the year. From fox hunts to emergency drills and radio contests, club members themselves organize both indoor projects and outdoor activities, drawing on an eager and excited group of peers to make them come together. We also host pop-up SKYWARN nets during inclimate weather. We host work parties to clean the club up, or antenna days to help club members get their stations running at home. Members of our group will lend a hand, knowing that we are there for each other. You will never be bored in this club as a participating member, as we have a place for all interests and likes. If you have something new to bring to the club, we welcome you to explore your interests and share them with us!