Our Club

Our radio club is unique because we have a fully equipped clubhouse. Our clubhouse is located at the Town of Lancaster Complex at 525 Pavement Road, down towards the end of the south driveway.   Every Thursday is an open house for all members and guests from 6 p.m. until whenever the last person leaves. We are prepared for contesting, disaster coordination, and general meetings.

Our club has a radio room equipped with 3 complete HF stations each complete with a PC station, an Icom IC-7600, and all the CW, Voice, and digital accessories you will need to operate. We now also have a fourth HF guest operating station, courtesy of a donation from an anonymous donor.

We also have a meeting and conference room fully equipped for board meetings and disaster coordination.

We also host various events for our members throughout the year. More information on our club’s events can be found here. We also have FREE WI-FI with a high-speed connection.

Interested in becoming a member? Please click here.

Club Links

W2SO Facebook (External Link)

W2SO QRZ Page (External Link)

Our state-of-the-art facility is made possible through membership dues, donations, and the hard work of our members. We host regular work parties to keep our facility clean and up-to-date. Our clubhouse is accessible to all members in good standing.