Our Hamfests

The Lancaster Amateur Radio Club hosts two hamfests each year. The Batavia Hamfest is held on the third weekend of July, and the Lancaster Hamfest is held in the second weekend of September. Our annual Batavia Hamfest is one of the largest of its kind in all of Western NY, with many vendors and a wide selection of radio and electronic equipment.

Plenty of door prizes up for grabs and breakfast & lunch will be served at both hamfests.

Annual Batavia Hamfest

Location: Alexander Fire Hall, 10708 Alexander Rd, Alexander NY 14005
Date: July 19th 2025
Time: Gates open 6am
Entrance Fee: $10.00

Talk-In: 147.285 (PL 141.3 – Pos. Offset)

Vendors may arrive no sooner than 6:00 PM on the evening of the day before the hamfest. Camping for vendors is permitted, however be advised there are no water, sewer, or electrical connections.

Test Sessions will be administered in the rec hall. Email John Maxwell at W2JM@arrl.net for more information.

Annual Lancaster Hamfest

Location: Transit Drive In, 6655 S Transit Rd, Lockport, NY 14094
Date: September 13th 2025
Time: Gates Open 6am
Entrance Fee: $10.00

Talk In: 147.360 (PL 82.5 – Pos. Offset) & 147.255 (PL 107.2 – Pos. Offset)

Vendors may arrive no sooner than 5:00 AM on the day of the hamfest.