The Lancaster Amateur Radio Club presently operates five separate repeaters with coverage over Erie County and both Niagara and Genesee Counties, under FCC call sign W2SO.
Erie County:
Two standalone VHF repeaters operating on 147.255 (+ offset) and 224.640 (- offset), both using PL tone 107.2. These two repeaters cover much of Northern Erie County and the townships surrounding Lancaster, NY. Our two-meter repeater is a Yaesu DR-1X and is equipped with AllStar/HamVoIP as node 459200 and EchoLink as node W2SO-R.
Our UHF repeater is WiresX only and it covers Lancaster and the surrounding area at 443.850 (+ offset) using PL tone 107.2 for Yaesu System Fusion C4FM ONLY. Users can converse locally and in multi-mode rooms worldwide. This repeater is WiresX digital only and does not support FM transmissions.
The W2SO 6-Meter repeater is currently under repair and out of service.
Genesee County:
A standalone VHF repeater covers the vast majority of Genesee County and the surrounding area at 147.285 (+ offset) with a PL of 141.3. AllStar/HamVoIP node 419730 and EchoLink AG2AA-L are available on this repeater.
Another standalone UHF repeater blankets the city of Batavia, NY, and the surrounding area. Tune into 444.275 (+ offset) and a PL tone 141.3.
W2SO Weekly Information Net
Every Monday night at 8PM the club holds an informational roundtable net on the 147.255 repeater. Be sure to check in as we provide important information about upcoming club events and amateur radio news in general. The weekly information net is open to all licensed amateurs regardless of club affiliation.
Weather Alerts
We activated a feature that allows any repeater user to use DTMF tones to request additional information on local active weather alerts. If multiple alerts are active, a user can play them back one at a time using different DTMF commands.
This system is active on our 2M and 1.25M repeaters.
Simply key up and ID with your callsign, and use your DTMF keypad to press *841, and wait about 15-30 seconds for the system to process the request. The system will play detailed weather alerts. If there are more than one active weather alert for the area, simply DTMF dial *842, *843, etc for each subsequent weather alert.
Click here for more info from Steve AG2AA.
Other Western NY Repeaters
Besides the repeaters that are operated by W2SO, some other repeaters with wide coverage include:
WA2HKS – 444.000 MHz, + offset, No PL Tone
K2XZ – 145.390 MHz, – offset, No PL Tone
W2VCI – 146.955 MHz, – offset, PL Tone 151.4
For a complete list of local repeaters, click here.