How You Can Contribute

You can contribute and show your appreciation by:

  1.  Uploading club photos via instructions at Photos dated later than 1/01/2022 will be added to the photo gallery. Photos dated earlier than 1/01/2022 will be added to the club archive.
  2. Providing your feedback via the feedback form at:
    All feedback is read and considered, and it helps us make better decisions both for the club itself, and for the website. Therefore, feedback is immensely appreciated.
  3. Becoming a member of W2SO. The Lancaster Amateur Radio Club welcomes anybody with an interest in amateur radio with open arms. More information on membership can be found here.
  4. If you see me in-person (or just email me at feel free to ask questions, give your suggestions, or just tell me what a terrible or good job I did with the new website!

73 and thanks for reading!

Andrew Fisher, KE2AAC.