SKYWARN is a weather spotting & data collection program ran by the NOAA. When checking into a SKYWARN net, simply provide your name, callsign, location and a brief description of your weather conditions, including the following data: Wind conditions, precipitation conditions including total accumulation, and an approximate visibility distance. More information on Skywarn can be found here. You do NOT need to have current skywarn training certifications to provide a weather report, although it is very much so recommended.

The Lancaster Amateur Radio Club hosts a SKYWARN net on our 2-Meter club repeater when weather conditions become extreme and/or hazardous. When the SKYWARN net is activated, an email will be sent out to all active members via the club’s email reflector. SKYWARN participation is open to all amateurs, and we encourage you to check in. If you would like to receive email notifications for Skywarn activations (even as a non member!), please click here.