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- Download and install all current firmware updates for your radio. If you have not done this in the past 6 months, it is due.
- Download and print the “Advanced Operating Manual including Wires-X function” for each radio you plan on using on the system. This can be found with a google search.
- If you have an FT2DR, FT3DR. FTM-100DR, or FTM-400DR/XDR, and plan to use on Wires-X in PDN mode, apply for an account from the Yaesu Wires-X website.
- Set your call sign on your radio.
- Set your Wires-X Frequency to manual mode. (See manual above)
- Set a memory channel for the W2SO UHF repeater at 443.850, positive offset,
with a PL Tone of 107.2
- Press or hold your Wires-X button (see manual above for radio-specific operation). The handshake between your radio should complete. If not, repeat the above steps.
- Listen. If someone is on, wait your turn and say your call sign.
- If no one is on and you want to switch rooms, either switch to encode or search directly and find a room to connect to. (See the manual above for radio-specific operation)
a. Room Suggestions Include:
i. Zombie Alert Network (Michigan Repeaters)- 50048
ii. Texas Nexus- 21636
iii. MNWis- Minnesota Wisconsin Fusion Link- 21493
iv. America Link-(you might not be able to disconnect)- 21080
- Once connected to a room, say your call sign and get ready. Remember, you are limited to 3 minutes of continuous talk time.
- Although your call sign is always transmitted, it is best practice to state your call every ten minutes per FCC rules.
- When you are done in the room, disconnect or move the room back to the W2SO room- 62312.